DMF 01 Natural Magnet Brakes - NM 0.5 DMF 01 Natural Magnet Brakes - NM 0.5 DMF 01 Natural Magnet Brakes - NM 0.5
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DMF 01 Natural Magnet Brakes - NM 0.5 We produce magnetic and natural magnet brake and concept systems used in electric motors.

Stock CodeTCS-EM-EMF-0063
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Product Details

Natural Magnet Brakes
DMF series brakes are braking systems while there is no electric energy thanks to the natural magnets it contains in the body.
Braking can be provided at the order of milliseconds with high magnetic strong magnets.
Product properties 0.4 nm. 72 nm. It is produced in 9 different sizes.
Class H coil insulation (185 ° C) works quietly with special coated metal parts.
High precision with the work regime -free structure 24 V DC Standard Operation Voltage I3 works easily assembly with different connection option.
These systems that brakes while the operating principle is lack of lack of energy, neutralizes the natural magnets contained in the electrical energy and ensures that the work of the work shaft is wasted.WE DO RETAIL AND WHOLESALE AND SHIPMENT BULGARIA, SERBIA, MACEDONIA, MONTENEGRO, ROMANIA, HUNGRY

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